The Chamuco is the famous dog breed which originated in the centre Mexico, The Chamuco is also called as Mexican Pitbull. This breed is developed in the year 1970 by accidental or intentional crosses of the American Pit Bull Terrier with the now-extinct Mexican Bulldog, street dogs, American Bully, Pitbull Blue, Staffordshire bull terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and probably with the Boxer.
“Chamuco” is the Spanish word which refers to “Devil”. This shows the temperament of the breed. This breed is muscularly built and possibility coated in many different colours including Black, Brown and white. like many pit bull breeds, the Chamuco/Mexican pitbull is also known for its devotion to its family and protectiveness around children in the family.

Ears – Uncut, high but falls tips.
Eyes – Chamuco/Mexican pitbull eyes are Rounded or oval of low position in the skull.
Muzzle – medium size, rounded at the top, or square, located at the same height as its eyes. Chamuco Jaws are well defined. The lower jaw should be powerful and have great power to bite. Lips should be short, in some cases is accepted the fall but not preferred. Only is accepted the scissor bite. Overshot and undershot are penalized.
Nose – Chamuco/Mexican pitbull is in all colours. Chamuco puppy in white colour.
Neck– Heavy, slightly arched, must begin in its shoulders and end in its skull. Of Medium size.
Shoulders– Strong and musculouses.

Body– Ribs well marked and deep in the rear. All ribs together. Forequarters in a set fairly broad of separation to allow the good development of a strong chest.
Tail– Short in comparison to its body size, low and tapering toward the tip. Are not allowed the cut or curled tails.
Feet– The front legs should be straight. A slight twist to the outside of the foot is accepted, but not desired. The bones should be large and rounded. Pastern in upright. Its should not be crooked in front.
Colour of coat– No one specific for Chamuco/Mexican pitbull, although the black and brown are the most common.
How to find the pure Mexican pitbull breed ?