Judge the cattle quality is the at most important aspect in the Cattle breeding, It covers all the important physical structure of the cattle.
Overall Body Confirmation:
Over all body should be build strong, It should not be too long or short.
Overall Body & Spine (or) top lineGood shoulder width in either cows or bulls indicates good capacity in the ribcage, where the heart and lungs are located.The Heart-girth. The heart girth is the area from behind the shoulders down to behind the elbows. Good depth of heart girth in cattle is a sign of goodRump characteristics: The rump of an animal should be deep, wide, long and level in its top. The loin in bulls should be allowed to bow out slightly over the rump’s The higher the flank circumference is than the heart-girth, the higher the reproductive ability of the cow. This is because the flank is located right on the hindquarters of an animal.
The Forehead: The forehead (from the poll [the top-most point of a bovine’s head] to just above the eyes) in a bull should be broad and wide. The Eyes: Eye structure in cattle is quite important, especially in areas where tall plants, dust, and other foreign objects can easily enter the eye and cause such problems as pink eye or cancer eye
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