
Zelazna sheep

Zelazna is a breed of sheep and is also known by Zeleznienska. The Zelazna was developed at Warsaw Agricultural University. They…

Pomeranian Coarsewool

The Pomeranian Coarsewool or simply Pomeranian (German: Pommersches Rauhwollschaf; Pommernschaf; Rauhwolliges Pommersches Landschaf) is an old domestic sheep breed from the…

Pomeranian Dog Breed

Other Names: Deutscher Spitz, Zwergspitz, Dwarf-Spitz.   The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that…

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Other Names: Polski Owczarek, Nizinny (Polish), Valee Sheepdog. The Polish Lowland Sheepdog (Polish: Polski Owczarek Nizinny, also PON), is a medium-sized, shaggy-coated, sheepdog breed native…