
Najdi sheep

The Najdi or Nejdi is a breed of domestic sheep native to the Najd region of the Arabian Peninsula. Though…


Other Names : Cretan, Agrimi, or Cretan Ibex The kri-kri (Capra aegagrus cretica), sometimes called the Cretan goat, Agrimi, or…

Hejazi goat

The Hejazi goat breed from Arabia is used for the production of meat. The Hejazi is found in Arabia. It…

Saluki Dog Breed

The Saluki is a standardised breed developed from sighthounds – dogs that hunt primarily by sight rather than a scent that was…

Canaan Dog

The Canaan Dog, also known as the Bedouin Sheepdog and Palestinian Pariah Dog, It is a breed of pariah dog…