
Nilo-Saharan | Ethnic group of Africa

Nilo-Saharan The Nilo-Saharan languages are a proposed family of African languages spoken by some 50–60 million people, mainly in the…

Basenji : Native Dog Of Congo

The Basenji is another breed that is often quoted as being one of the oldest in the world. They also…

Breeds in Congo, The Democratic Republic

SpeciesGroupBreedSynonymsCattleHumpless ShorthornsLaguneMayombe or Dahomey (in DR Congo), Lagoon (in Ghana)CattleSmall East African ZebuLugwareBahu, Kuku, MangbattuCattleSangaBahimaNsagallaCattleZengaAlurNyoka, Nioka, BlukwaCattleSangaAfricanderAfrikaner (in Africaans); IzankayiCattleHumpless…