The Cane da Presa Meridionale (Italian for “Southern Catch Dog”) is the old, functional working variant of the Neapolitan Mastiff. It is not recognised by any kennel club.

Before 1965 there was no distinction between Neapolitan Mastiff, Cane da Presa and Cane Corso, these were simply three different names for the same dog. The modern Neapolitan Mastiff is unlike the original, a dog created by dog shows. Fans of the original mastino have started an organisation which is trying to gather the remaining specimens which would fit the 1965 standard of the Neapolitan Mastiff.
This is the second rescue of this proto-race. The first one was in 1946 after WWII which almost brought this working dogs from southern Italy to extinction.
I’m looking for a breeder of Cane da Presa Meridionale. Currently own a cross of one plus a corso, but wish to breed the Corso out to get to the original breed standard. I may be wrong, but I was led to believe that the Corso has come about by introducing Boxers into the gene pool which Carrie’s it’s own health issues.
Our current dog came from a female meridionale in Liverpool.
Hi Jason,
Pl write your contact details to mail@nativebreed.og
tu vendes cane da presa meridional??
I have a dog that they bred from a non-wrinkly 100% Neo (female) to a dog that they was English and a large Corso. He looks exactly like this other than they docked the tail to the fourth digit like a Corso. He’s eight and I’ve been looking to find a Female like this to be put to, or something very similar.
If a Corso has boxer in it then it is not a Corso anymore but a BANDOGGE.
Jason, have a look at lupusdei kennels on insta. They bred my cana da presa. The breeder having had a nightmare with 2 show bred corsos dieing under 18 months is trying to create a healthy functional mastiff. Mine has a dash of abbrusseze mastino from her mothers side. A far more traditional and appropriate influx than a boxer. They are the real deal.
Brett. As above if your uk based.
Julian. I disagree. The whole issue issue of boxer blood in modern show type CC is a turbid one. I am happy to discuss though.
Julian: A Bandog is not a breed, its a classification or working title meaning any dog used for boar hunting. Yes There are preferred breeds used as band dogs but any dog that is used in that capacity is a bandog. This was told to me by the owner of a band dog association years ago when I thought my black American Bulldog lab mix might be a “bandog”.
To all: Also our daughter and her husband have a Americane de Prsa meridionale they got last Christmas. He is a merell and absolutely beautiful but I do think they did a poor job on cropping his ears. Ill try to repost with breeder info. A net search shows that Designer Mastiffs on Facebook breeds the Meridionale and the breed was registered ADF registered in 2019.