The Sahiwal cattle breed is an important indigenous genetic resource of India & Pakistan. Sahiwal originated from the Sahiwal district of Punjab province in Pakistan. They produce the most milk of all zebu breeds, followed by the very similar Red Sindhi and Butana breeds.
This breed originated and developed in this region decade ago, now also found in 29 other countries. Sahiwal cow is very well adapted to the harsh climatic condition of the region and has beneficial resistance to internal and external parasites and famous for adequate milk production under subsistence production set up, it has been exported to other countries both for rising as purebred and for the production of synthetics. In India, the population of Sahiwal breed has been decreasing over the years due mainly to its crossing with exotics such as Friesian for dairy purposes, therefore, a project sponsored by UNO has been started in Pakistan for Sahiwal conservation which is going on since 2005 very successful.
The milk quality of Sahiwal cow is better than other imported breeds in India. Milk has several types of casein and beta-casein. Milk contains A2 beta casein considered healthier than A1 milk. The health effects of milk depending on the breed of the cow it came from. Milk from breeds of cows i.e., the Holstein, Friesian, Ayrshire and British Shorthorn are generally high in A1 beta-casein. Milk that is high in A2 beta-casein is mainly found in breeds like the Guernsey, Jersey, Charolais, and Limousin. The scientist has classified Sahiwal cow milk as A2 which is healthier and nourishing for human health. It had several health benefits, and to be easier to digest for people who are lactose intolerant.