Bhadawari buffaloes are recognized for high-fat content in their milk, which goes as high as 14 %. The home tract of this Bhadawari buffalo breed is Agra and Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh and Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh. Medium-sized buffalo.
Bhadawari Buffaloes are found in the ravines of Yamuna and Chambal rivers spread over in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The Bhadawari breeding tract was a part of the erstwhile Bhadawar estate from where the name of these animals originated.

The body is usually light or copper coloured is a peculiarity of this breed. Eyelids are generally copper or light brown colour. Two white lines „Chevron‟ are present at the lower side of the neck similar to that of Surti buffaloes.
The horns are characteristically placed, flat, and compact and of average thickness, growing backwards and then upward turning inwards with slightly pointed tips. The head is comparatively small, light and bulging out between the horns and sloping down slightly towards the forehead. In males, it is slightly heavier and coarse.
The average milk yield of Bhadawari buffalo breeds is 800 to 1000 kgs per lactation. The bullocks are good draught animal with high heat tolerance. The fat content of milk varies from 6 to 12.5 per cent. This breed is an efficient converter of coarse feed into butterfat and is known for its high butterfat content.