Brandenburger horse

Characteristics The Brandenburger is a well-balanced horse with a lively temperament, an easy to get along with the character, and…


Brabant / Belgian horse

The Belgian or Belgian Draft, French: Trait belge, Dutch: Belgisch Trekpaard, is a Belgian breed of draft horse. It originates from…


Blazer horse

The Blazer Horse is a horse breed developed in the 1950s and 1960s in the northwestern United States. Tracing back to one…


Black Forest Horse

The Black Forest Horse, German: Schwarzwälder Kaltblut, is an endangered German breed of light draft horse from the Black Forest of southern…


Boulonnais horse

The Boulonnais, also known as the "White Marble Horse", is a draft horse breed. It is known for its large but…


Basque mountain horse

The Basque Mountain Horse (Spanish: Caballo de Monte del País Vasco, Basque: Euskal Herriko Mendiko Zaldia) is a breed of horse from the Basque…


Altèr Real

The Lusitano, also known as the Pure Blood Lusitano or PSL (Puro Sangue Lusitano), is a Portuguese horse breed, closely…


Altai horse

The Altai is a horse breed developed in the Altai Mountains of Central Asia.The Altai has ahead with a slightly…


Albanian horse

Albanian: Kali Shqiptar The Albanian is the only indigenous horse breed in Albania. It is a small horse, and similar to…


Akhal-Teke horse breed

The Akhal-Teke from Turkmen Ahalteke, is a Turkmen horse breed. They have a reputation for speed and endurance, intelligence, and a…
