Asoa people | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Asua or Asoa, also known as the Aka, are an Mbuti pygmy people of the Ituri forest. They speak…


Mbuti people | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Mbuti people, or Bambuti, are one of several indigenous pygmy groups in the Congo region of Africa. Their languages…


Kola People | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Kola people, Bakola, also known as the Koya, Bakoya, are pygmies of the NE Gabon–Congo border area. They speak…


Gyele People | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Gyele (Bagyele / Bajele), also known as the Kola (Bakola) or Koya (Bakoya), are the pygmies of southern Cameroon…


Bongo people (Gabon) | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Bongo people, or Babongo, are an agricultural people of Gabon in equatorial Africa who are known as "forest people"…


Baka people (Cameroon and Gabon) | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Baka people, known in the Congo as Bayaka (Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya), are an ethnic group inhabiting the southeastern rain…


Aka people | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Aka or Bayaka (also BiAka, Babenzele) are a nomadic Mbenga pygmy people. They live in southwestern Central African Republic…


Bedzan people | Ethnic group of Center Africa

The Bedzan people (singular Medzan), also known as the Tikar (not to be confused with the Bantoid Tikar people), are…


Pygmy peoples | Ethnic group of Center Africa

In anthropology, pygmy peoples are ethnic groups whose average height is unusually short. The term pygmyism is used to describe…


Rendille people | Ethnic group of Africa

Rendille people The Rendille (also known as Rendille, Reendile, Rendili, Randali, Randile, and Randille) are a Cushitic-speaking ethnic group inhabiting…
